Pi Mu Epsilon Journal

Paper Submissions


The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal Editor is interested in considering papers that may be of interest to readers of the PMEJ. Papers written by undergraduates are preferred but papers written by faculty members will be considered if the content is appropriate for undergraduate readers. In general, submitted papers should not exceed 10 typeset pages.

Before submitting a paper, please prepare the paper in LaTeX according the specifications given here. A sample LaTeX file for a Pi Mu Epsilon Journal article can be found here. A sample PDF which shows how the previous LaTex file should appear when correctly typeset in LaTex can be found here.

Once a paper is ready to submit, please email a copy of the LaTeX files to the Editor. Also mail three paper copies to the Editor's mailing address.

Brigitte Servatius
Editor, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, MA 01609-2280