This is a summary for all Pi Mu Epsilon Chapters of the meeting of the National Council of Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc. January 9, 2004 in Phoenix, AZ.


  • Section 2 on qualifications for a chapter:
  • Section 2.2 about affiliate Chapters has been eliminated.  There was ever only one, and it was relatively shortlived and has been inactive for many years, so this anachronism will be eliminated.  There were rewordings throughout the Constitution to rid it of the concept of affiliate Chapters.
  • The qualifications for petitioning for a chapter have been modified slightly.  (1) Instead of having had an honorary mathematics club for at least one year, the institution must have had an active mathematics club for more than one year; (2) Instead of specifying that there must be 10 mathematics majors, because the time of declaring majors differs from one school to another, the amended Constitution will ask that there be an average of at least 4 mathematics majors per year for the past three years;
  • The present Constitution requires a minimum of 18 semester hours beyond the first year of Calculus, and the amended Constitution will require 21.
  • Presently the petition for a new chapter requires the endorsement of the mathematics department chair.  The new rule will require not only that, but the endorsement of a senior academic officer at the institution and letters of commitment from the person(s) who will be the Chapter Advisor and the Permanent Faculty Correspondent.
  • Section 3 on electing new chapters:  Presently, although it is not in the Constitution, the President appoints a national Councillor to be a liaison to look at drafts of the petition and point out omissions and additions that would make the petition stronger.  The present and the new Constitution both contain that paragraph about the case when the majority of Council votes in favor of a petition, but the vote is not unanimous, that all the Chapters must be petitioned to vote on it.  You may have noticed that you Chapters have not been required to make such votes in several years.  That is because of our current liaison process.  The amended Constitution will sanction that process.
  • Section 4, presently called Procedure of Installation, will be renamed Chartering of New Chapters.  The material in the present Constitution about the Installation Ceremony will be taken out and moved back to form a new section in Article VII, where the rest of our ceremonial material resides.  This is a non-substantive change.
  • Section 5, presently called Forfeiture of Charter will be renamed Inactive Chapters and Revocation of Charter and will significantly expanded.  It will define Inactive Chapter and give the remedy for removal of that status, and it will give criteria for revoking the Charter from a Chapter and state how that Charter can be reinstated.
  • Our present Constitution defines an Inactive Chapter as one that has not answered correspondence for a year.  The amended document will be more realistic: A Chapter is Inactive if it fails to induct new members for three consecutive years.
  • Many places throughout the Constitution the term Chapter has been replaced with the phrase Active Chapter.  This is a non-substantive change. (Who else would vote or be concerned?)
  • Our present Constitution gives a criterion for revoking a charter, a criterion that has never been used: Inactive for five years.  The amended document gives Council the right to revoke a charter if it unanimously decides that the institution to which the Charter for the Chapter had been given no longer upholds the principles of Pi Mu Epsilon.  Our principle is, of course, that Pi Mu Epsilon promotes scholarly activity in mathematics among undergraduates.
  • In the past 50 years and probably many more, we have never had the General Convention of Chapters talked about in the present Constitution.  We want to keep or even increase the same spirit of openness to our Chapters that is envisioned by the present Constitution, but reword it to meet present practice:  If any Chapter has a question or suggestion for improvement, they should contact a national officer who will either settle the matter immediately or else bring it up at our next Council meeting.  All our Council meetings are open, since we are a non-secret society.  Any Chapter can send a representative to one of our Council meetings to discuss a problem; to be sure they are fully heard, of course, they should contact our President to get on the Agenda since our semi-annual Council meetings are very time-bound.
  • Studying this Constitution for possible revision alerted the Council that Section 9, specifying that the Council report at least annually to the Chapters, has not been done in anyone's memory.  That reminder is what caused these summaries of our Council meetings to come into existence.  The web was discerned to be a good way to disseminate our report to our Chapters.
  • The write-up on the duties of the national officers has been expanded slightly.  For example, the Treasurer is not required to submit a formal budget annually to Council in the present Constitution.  The Council used to do this annually, but in a more informal manner when looking at the previous year's Treasurer's report.  The amended Constitution will make the budget be a required part of the practice.
  •  There is not much change in this section.  When we read the Constitution carefully, we saw that the wording seems to imply that the faculty Chapter Advisor and the faculty Permanent Faculty Correspondent are elected annually by the students.  We think this was an accident of writing, and doubt that this procedure is followed by most Chapters.  The rewording around this seems to be the most substantive change to this section.
  • Section 4 on the Scholarship Committee has been streamlined in wording, but there do not appear to be any substantive changes.
Leo J. Schneider
Secretary-Treasurer, Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc.